“The first contact I had with Pastor Idu was about 20 years ago.

He was connected to Rehoboth Ministries. I asked him for counsel regarding my mission work, reaching the street children in Brazil, and later about a new church we were about to start. I immediately noticed that he was ready to help without personal gain.

I have come to know Pastor Idu as an upright man of God, with a passionate heart.

His messages, led by the Holy Spirit, are “to-the-point”, in righteousness, touching the right areas, at the right moment.

Our friendship grew stronger during my “burn-out” period. I have high respect for Pastor Idu, his ministry, and his family. He is a valuable diamond of God I can sincerely recommend to you”

Gemeente Oase
Anna Paulowna, Netherlands



“I have known Emmanuel since he was a teenager. He is forthright hard working, loves the Lord and has a passion to serve people as well as to establish the kingdom of God here on earth.

He is a man of the word who ministers under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I have benefited from his counsel and strength of character, compassion and love.

He has ministered in Bethel, and every time he ministers here, it’s wonderful!

He is an anointed man of God, and he is a man of the word, who has had personal experiences with God. So, he preaches out of experience, from a deep well of wisdom and knowledge.

He is a Godly husband to his wife and a wonderful father to his children”

General Overseer
Bethel Ministries International
Lagos, Nigeria



“We are very happy to give a good testimony about Emmanuel Idu.

He is a great man of God, and he has been a tremendous blessing to both of us, and for our church.

Maybe (about) 12 years ago, we connected with him because we had big trouble in our church. Some people left the church, and he gave a really great advice. He said, “Gather people like-minded, as you are, around you and work with them, from a healthy base”. That is what we did, and it was one of the best advice we have had.

And he also sent us teams to teach us, teach the people, so we were very blessed. And with Irene, a good example, to have a good marriage.

And they also provided guest speakers, and they really lifted us up as a church, and the success we are enjoying now can be also credited for a great deal to Emmanuel Idu, and his team. Thank you very much Emmanuel. Thank you very much

If you ever want to contact us, just call us and we are glad to help you, and to say good things about the things we’ve experienced with Emmanuel Idu. God bless you.

And we are Paul and Irma, from Utrecht (Netherlands), BEST LIFE CHURCH.

We have at the moment, three services in the morning, and we are about to buy a big building, and every Sunday, many people come to Christ. God bless you”

Senior Pastors
Best Life Church
Utrecht, Netherlands



“Apostle Emmanuel Idu, and the family are more than apostles, preachers and teachers. A close look at his life, I found he is called for the great task of establishing a holy nation, and a royal priesthood.

I have seen that he has unshakable trust in God, when he is under pressure. In the midst of many challenges, he never forgets his mission in life. He has been successful in fulfilling God’s plan to take his followers to the greatest heights.

His messages are truly inspirational. He is a true model on how to be a sacrificial leader, with whom we can identify with, and from whom we can learn.

Apostle Emmanuel Idu covers all the major turning points in the lives of great bible characters, and unearths precious nuggets for practical wisdom. I have so much appreciation for his testimony to be a great leader, apostle, warrior and a preacher.

He has ministered many times in India, as a bible teacher and conference speaker. He has raised many true leaders like him.

I always anxiously wait to hear his classic messages which I never heard anywhere else. May God continue to use him.

I wish him every success in his Christian endeavor”

Oasis Ministries
Chennai, India